CA19-9 tumor marker test

CA 19-9 ( carbohydrate antigen 19‑9 or sialylated Lewis (a) antigen) is a type of mucin, a protein that is found on the surface of cells. CA 19-9 mucin is present in the fetal gastric, intestinal, and pancreatic epithelia, and it can be detected in lower amounts in adult tissues, including the liver, lungs, and pancreas … Read more

Prolactin hormone , reference range, interpretation

Prolactin hormone is synthesized in anterior pituitary gland. prolactin promotes development of mammary gland and support lactation.  High concentrations of prolactin have an inhibiting action on steroidogenesis of the ovaries and secretion of gonadotropins .  Hyperprolactinemia in men and women is cause of fertility disorders. Clinical uses: Determination of Prolactin is done in following conditions … Read more


Fecal calprotectin test Fecal calprotectin is a protein that is produced by neutrophils. It is released into the stool when there is inflammation in the intestines. Fecal calprotectin levels can be measured in a stool test to help diagnose and monitor inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and other conditions that cause intestinal inflammation. How is fecal … Read more

Myeloperoxidase stain(MPO)-principle ,procedure ,uses

mpo stain positive in Auer rod

In hematology, special stains are used to highlight specific cellular structures, components, or substances within blood and bone marrow samples. These stains provide additional information and aid in the identification of various cell types and abnormalities. Here are some commonly used special stains in hematology Myeloperoxidase stain The MPO stain, also known as Myeloperoxidase stain, … Read more

Progesterone total ,serum

Clinical significance: Progesterone, a steroid hormone with a molecular weight of 314.5 daltons, progesterone is primarily synthesized in the cells of the corpus luteum and, during pregnancy, in the placenta. progesterone is barely detectable in follicular phase of menstrual cycle,  a rise in the progesterone level is observed one day prior to ovulation . Functions … Read more

vitamin D (25 hydroxy vitamin D) TEST

Clinical significance: Vitamin D regulates calcium and phosphorus levels in body and mineralization of bones. 25hydroxy vitamin D is major storage form of vitamin D in human body .25 hydroxy vitamin D is metabolized in kidney to its active form 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D (1,25-OHD). Vitamin D deficiency in adults results in chronic muscle pain, … Read more

Creatinine reference range

Reference: Tietz fundamentals of clinical chemistry and molecular diagnostics,8th edition. Deriving and establishing reference ranges specific to a particular laboratory’s patient population is recommended in clinical laboratory medicine. Creatinine is a waste product generated by muscle metabolism and excreted by the kidneys. Blood creatinine levels are often used as a measure of kidney function. Purpose … Read more

PAS stain : Principle, Procedure, uses

The Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) stain is a histological staining technique used to detect carbohydrates and glycogen in tissue sections. It is based on the reaction between periodic acid and carbohydrates, followed by the reaction with Schiff’s reagent. This results in the formation of a bright pink to magenta-colored complex that highlights the presence of carbohydrates. … Read more

Mantoux test -procedure

What is the Mantoux test? The Mantoux test, also known as the tuberculin skin test, is a test used to screen for tuberculosis (TB) infection. It is not used to diagnose active TB disease. The test is performed by injecting a small amount of tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) into the skin of the forearm. … Read more

PTH intact hormone test

PTH intact test, also known as parathyroid hormone (PTH) 1-84 test, is a blood test that measures the level of parathyroid hormone (PTH) in the blood. PTH is a hormone that is produced by the parathyroid glands, which are four small glands that are located in the neck, near the thyroid gland. PTH helps to … Read more